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Friday, July 11, 2014

ADHD and Diet

The issue of the nutrition connection with ADHD has been subjected to multiple studies, and generally, those studies have pointed to strong connections between this disorder and nutrition. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies, food allergies, pesticide exposure from non-organic produce, etc. all have implications in the symptoms of ADHD.

Here are some of the ways that nutrition is connected to ADHD, and the dietary considerations involved.

Artificial Colors and Preservatives

Sources say that artificial colors and preservatives are not necessarily instrumental in exacerbating ADHD symptoms; but for those who do have sensitivities to these substances, removing them from the diet has been known to produce dramatic results. Cutting out artificial colors and preservatives does not cause harm, so eliminating these things from the child's diet and watching for symptom improvement is a viable course of action.

Gluten Sensitivity

The possible connection between gluten sensitivity and ADHD is interesting. Many children with ADHD also have celiac disease, or gluten intolerance. In this disorder, gluten (a protein found in wheat and other grains) inflames the intestinal lining and can eventually permeate the intestinal walls, creating leaky gut syndrome. This causes proteins and other undigested food particles to enter the bloodstream, where they can cause a host of problems.

Many parents of children with ADHD have found success in eliminating gluten from their child's diet, allowing the gut to heal and stopping the cycle of inflammation.

Iron Deficiency

Symptoms of iron deficiency (poor attention span, behavioral problems) can mimic those of ADHD. Some doctors recommend an iron supplement for all children regardless of ADHD diagnosis. So it's a good idea to test for iron deficiency if your child is exhibiting symptoms reminiscent of ADHD.

Low Blood Sugar

Another problem that can mimic ADHD symptoms is low blood sugar. The inability to concentrate, "the shakes" and jitters, and hyperactivity are all symptoms of low blood sugar. Not all kids react to low blood sugar with these symptoms, and not all kids suffer visibly from long periods of not eating (or eating the wrong kinds of foods). But in some children, low blood sugar can present dramatic symptoms.

The best way to alleviate these symptoms is with a healthy, whole foods diet that is low in sugar and includes healthy snacks. Children should always have an adequate breakfast, too.

Organic Foods

Because of recent studies linking ADHD and pesticide exposure, many parents choose to have their families eat only organic produce. This minimizes pesticide exposure by ingestion. 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Tips for Managing Acne

While the old adage that "eating chocolate gives you zits" is considered out-of-date, new evidence indicates that your diet does play a role in the health of your skin. If you are suffering from acne or someone in your family is having trouble with it, here are some nutritional tips that may help.

Acne in Babies

Nutritional approaches to managing baby acne usually involve changes in the mother's diet or in the formula type, since baby acne usually occurs in newborns. For nursing mothers, here are some tips:

* Cut out dairy and soy products from your diet (these two substances are common allergens in newborns).
* Cut out citrus fruits from you diet as well, as citrus fruits can transfer to breast milk and may cause skin inflammation.
* Take in healthy amounts of good fats like flax and olive oil.

For those who feed formula, check with your pediatrician to make sure no allergies to soy and/or dairy present in the formula are worsening the acne.  


As a teen, it can be really tempting to indulge in junk food. And many teens have those amazing metabolisms that allow them to eat pizza and nachos three times a day and not gain weight! But nutritional tips for acne healing still apply to teens.
These include a recommendation to eat low-glycemic foods.

Some interesting studies have shown a connection between insulin levels and acne - higher insulin correlating with increased acne. If you eat lots of sugar and refined grains, your insulin levels will increase in order to keep blood sugar levels stable in the midst of an influx of sugar. The increased insulin levels may worsen acne. So in a very real sense, sugar may make your acne worse.

Low-glycemic foods include lean protein, whole grains, and vegetables. Whole fruits have a lower glycemic level than juice.

Here are some specific ways you can incorporate or substitute high-glycemic foods with low-glycemic ones:

* Homemade popcorn instead of potato chips or corn chips
* Granola instead of sugary cereal
* Naturally-sweetened beverages instead of sugary drinks like colas
* Whole grain pasta instead of refined semolina pasta
* Whole grain breads (homemade if possible) instead of white


Many of the dietary guidelines for teens apply to adults, too - insulin may still play a role in adult acne. So switching to low-glycemic foods might be a good idea (it's considered a healthier diet anyway). Other tips for adults include:

* Include healthy fats in the diet
* Take a high-quality multi-vitamin supplement
* Limit sugar and refined grains
* Emphasize high-fiber foods

Friday, July 4, 2014

How Meditation Can Help You Stop Smoking

Meditation can help you quit smoking? Have you ever thought about it? Can we possibly do something that easy to make you stop smoking? Everything is possible. What I am going to tell you in this article is what I have found. What you can do to stop smoking.
Long been considered as one of the very few ways by which man could access himself without really having to accommodate the intervention of the logical mind. Meditation helps relieve the stress of everyday life and it helps the person rejuvenate his mind to function more effectively. Apart from these, meditation is also considered as a cure to some diseases and disorders, especially those that are infiltrated mostly by stresses. 

When people meditate you become more relaxed and clam about your everyday life. Some people smoke more when they are stressed.
 This is a proven fact. People often chain smoke because they are under stress. Your mind becomes weak from stress resulting to the deterioration of the body and the will to continue what was first a goal.  So there for when someone is constantly stressing and if you just take a second or however long you want, begin the process of meditation. 
We already know that the cost of smoking is very expensive. When you smoke more than one pack a day, the cost that you are spending is very high.
 You probably do not realize that within a years time you can probably spend almost half of your earnings on smoking. Just think what you could have done with that money if you found what could help you stop smoking. Meditation could be one of the methods that could help you stop smoking. 

Meditation to help quit the smoking habit acts in many different ways. The person from the pressure of temptations but on the other hand, the person will be rescued from the pressure of not being able to meet the goal.
 The former conceives the smoking cessation on a much brighter side since meditation could help drive the person with complete motivation to stay quit even when the mind calls for a last smoke. 
They say quitting smoking is one of the hardest habits to quit. You have to put your mind into it. If you do not have your mind set to something then it will not be a focus. 
Meditation can help you get that mind frame that you are looking for. You have to take many things in consideration when wanting to quit a bad habit. It is very stressful and sometimes you will not succeed on your first try, but do not give up. There are other ways out there.

If you find out that meditation is not the way for you, then there are many other options out there you can find. Contact your local doctor or research it online. There are over the counter medicines out there you can try. You just have to find out what works best for you.

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