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Thursday, March 17, 2016

Use Feng shui in your life to get a better life!

The ancient practice of Feng shui is one of the oldest forms of geomancy in the world and can be traced back as far as 3500 years ago in ancient China.  The word literally means wind and water and this practice believes in the notion that qi or vital energy can greatly influence and improve a person’s life by achieving balance and harmony in their surroundings.

To apply this practice means having to recognize the relationship between man and the environment he lives in. The key to this practice is locating the all important qi by arranging objects inside or outside of your home or even your office space so that qi continuously flows freely in the space thereby producing a positive impact in different aspects of your life.  This ancient practice and belief is still being applied today and here are some methods where the art of balance and harmony can make a difference in a person’s life.

Using the Five Phases Method

The five phases method relies in the five elements or phases of fire, earth, metal, water and wood.  These elements interrelate with each other through a creation cycle where fire produces earth, earth produces metal, metal produces water and water produces wood.  Each element also corresponds to a particular direction where water is placed in the north, fire is the south, east is wood, west is metal and earth is the center.

The best way to apply this method is to make sure that your room or the space you live in has a balance of all these elements to produce good qi otherwise too much of a particular element might go against the other elements and produce harmful qi instead.

Using the Flying Stars Method

Probably the most difficult method to apply Feng shui is the flying star method which takes into account the date your house or office was built, a detailed floor plan and the outside environment of the place.  It is similar to having a birth sign in astrology only this time it’s your property’s birth sign.

Although this method can be complex, it is the most accurate of methods and usually done by master practitioners of the craft.  What this method aims to achieve is to harmonize your space by finding out the best elements to enhance it and the elements that need to be avoided.

Using the Eight Mansions Method

The most popular application of Feng shui is the eight mansions method or the Ba Zhai.  This method requires you to calculate your kua number based on your birth date.  This will help you determine your auspicious direction because each kua number corresponds to a particular direction.

This method aims to find out which directions are good for you and which to avoid.  It also helps you find out if you are compatible with that particular area you’re living or staying in.  Finding out the best direction for you and enhancing that space can help you become more productive in terms of career, relationships, health and luck.

Feng shui-Proof Your Life

Testimonies of the benefits of this ancient practice are many and its effectiveness can be traced from ancient times otherwise this practice would not have survived today.  The concept is simple and everyone can benefit with some semblance of balance and harmony in their lives.  It’s just a matter of recognizing the value of qi and making sure everything in your surroundings brings you peace.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Nutrition after '50s

Healthy eating and nutrition for the elderly is 
greatly impacted by several factors, one of them
being a change in body composition.  During the
later years in life, the body will lose bone and
muscle and gain fat because the hormones aren't
very active anymore.

There are many factors which hinder an elderly
person's health.  The information below will help
you to lead a healthy life - no matter how old you
may be.

Water in the body decreases with age, so many older
folks will become dehydrated very easily.  Sometimes
they won't feel thirsty, while other times it's 
too much work to pour a glass a water.  With this 
in mind, it's recommended that they drink at least
1 ounce of water for every 2.2 pounds of weight.

At this stage in life, protein is very important.
Protein is needed to support a healthy immune
system and prevent the wasting of muscle.  Since
energy needs are less, older folks should eat high
quality protein such as eggs, lean meats, poulty,
and fish.

Carbs and fiber
Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for
the entire body.  You can find carbs in bread,
cereals, pasta, and other grain products.  A diet
that's high in fiber and water will help to 
prevent constipation as well.

Fat intake for the elderly should be limited, not
eliminated.  You can limit fat by choosing lean meats,
low fat dairy products, and food preperation 
methods that don't include frying.  

For the elderly, iron deficiency can be seen with
those who aren't eating much.  Good sources for
iron include lean red meats or breakfast cereals.

Zinc intake is normally with the elderly, and to 
make matters worse, it's not absorbed very well
either.  Meat, poultry, and fish should be a part
of your diet to help you meet the requirements for

Calcium is one ingredient that most elderly folks
simply aren't getting enough of.  Most believe 
that milk upsets their stomach, and therefore they
will avoid it.  They should be getting around 1,500
mg of calcium a day, and nonfat powdered milk can
be used in recipes as a substitute for milk.  Other
foods such as yogurt, low fat cheese, and broccoli
can also help you meet the requirements for calcium.

Vitamin B12
In order to absorb the benefits of B12, the intrinsic
facotr must be produced by the stomach.  Most elderly
people suffer from a deficiency in B12 because they
have a condition known as atrophic gastritis.  This
condition causes inflammation of the stomach,
bacterial overgrowth, and the intrinsic factor.
Without the intrinsic factor, this vitamin can be

Each one of the above nutrients are needed to keep 
an aged body in good health.  Elderly individuals 
should try to stay active and strive for a well
balanced diet.  Even though the aged body isn't the
same as it used to be, proper care and the right
nutrients can help the elderly enjoy a healthy and
long life.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Benefits of Hoodia Diet

Hoodia: The Easy Diet

Obesity has become a major health issue in America. Coupled with high social standards on beauty and style, people are desperate to loose weight. Unfortunately with all the hype that's surrounding every diet product no one is sure which of them actually works. Fortunately nature has provided us with the solution for a much safer way of loosing weight. Hoodia diet was introduced in America in 2004 and has been the most popular natural weight loss supplement ever since.

The diet has been featured in several shows such as Oprah, The Today Show, 60 minutes and BBC. It's the new way of loosing weight, burning fat and reducing calorie intake targeting the source of weight gain: eating.

It comes from a plant so what?

Hoodia is a genus consisting of 13 species of plants that is fount in Southern Africa. To the locals, it is referred to as the "bushman's hat" or "Queen of Namib".  One of its species called Hoodia Gordinni is used for weight loss.

The plant is manufactured into diet pills and supplements. It works by naturally suppressing a dieter's appetite. The supplement has chemical components that act on the satiety center of the brain. The satiety center of the brain is located at the hypothalamus. When the pill works on the hypothalamus it sends a signal to the brain that it has eaten enough food.  

This way the dieter's hunger is suppressed. By eating less there are fewer fats to burn. It also enables the individual to reduce their calorie intake in a much comfortable way. They don't have to follow a strict regimen. It's suitable for individuals who don't have time to prepare portions sized meals. Dieter's don't have to restrain themselves from eating the food that they want which would later lead to a food binge.

The dieter will feel full the rest of the day after taking the pill. They wouldn't be thinking about food at all once the pill has taken effect. It helps to control unnecessary cravings such as midnight snacks which are much harder to burn. By focusing on the individual instead of the food, it's much easier to loose weight. If you have problems with eating then why not stop it?

The diet comes in different forms aside from pills. They also come in patches, powder (to make shakes) and liquid form (mixed your favorite beverage). There are also stronger doses of capsules for serious dieters.

Dieters have to remember to purchase supplements that contain 100% Hoodia. Since it has become famous in the market there are a lot of cheap imitations circulating in the internet. Make sure that the manufacturer has a C.I.T.E.S certificate and an Analytical report. This will guarantee what you are purchasing the original product. The supplement can be expensive to make sure that you get your money's worth.

Before buying the product make sure to read the label. Look for a money back guarantee. The supplement will not work unless it contains 100% of the original ingredient.

The diet comes from a plant which makes it 100% natural and safe. Unlike other drug supplements it does not contain other ingredients that cause unpleasant side effects. If you want a hassle free diet then this one is for you. If you want to loose weight in the most convenient and natural way this diet may be the one that you are looking for.  


Stop Eating Tilapia ASAP! Read About the Disgusting Reasons Why!!!
Tilapia, the third most consumed fish in America, has been under fire for some time now as there’s mounting evidence that this fish is grown in China in bad farming practices.
On one hand, tilapia is quite inexpensive, can be bought skinless and boneless and is really tasty as it doesn’t pack the familiar fish taste.
But, the real problem with tilapia is linked to its origin. Most of the tilapia we consume today is farm-bred instead of wild. Today, it’s virtually impossible to come across wild tilapia on the market. Even, restaurants mainly serve farm-bred tilapia. In fact, it’s such large scale farming, that thousands of fish are harvested each day.
The thing is that while wild tilapia eats lake plants and algae, farm-bred tilapia is fed on soy pellets and GMO corn. Healthy fish oil in wild tilapia is basically lacking in farm-bred one. Actually, farm-raised tilapia is not health beneficial for several reasons.
Why Farm-Bred Tilapia is Bad for Your Health
  1. Inflammation
Recent studies confirm that consuming farm-bred tilapia can lead to inflammation. In fact, eating tilapia can worsen already existing inflammation caused by a number of health issues including asthma, heart disease, and arthritis. People often wrongly believe that they’re getting their omega-3 fatty acid from the fish oil in tilapia to reduce the risk of heart attacks, but the real truth is that tilapia is a much more serious risk factor for inflammation than bacon or hamburgers.
  1. Cancer Causing Pollutants
Farmed-raised fish is generally exposed to cancerous organic pollutants 10 times more than wild tilapia. Moreover, one of the main ingredients in the feed is chicken poop. And, pig and duck waste processed into fish food is also quite common.
  1. Higher Pesticides and Antibiotics
Farm-bred fish generally pack higher content of pesticides and antibiotics. This basically comes down to the fact that farm fish are bred in a crowd, which makes them more susceptible to diseases. That’s why they’re often given antibiotics so as to keep them healthy. Pesticides are also part of their menu in order to kill sea lice. These pesticides are in fact so strong that can kill wild salmon when exposed to them accidentally. This is not all because these pesticides are then released into the sea, which then produces toxic effects on other marine life when ingested.
  1. Low Omega-3 to Omega-6 Ratios
Farm-raised tilapia packs less healthy nutrients than the wild. For one thing, the omega 3 fatty acids in farm-bred tilapia are not as beneficial for us as opposed to the omega fatty acids in wild tilapia. Plus, farm-raised tilapia also contains less protein. The fish are raised in pools, which makes them fattier and they often contain more omega 6 fatty acids. Over consumption of omega 6 fatty acids makes us more prone to inflammation. In farm-bred tilapia the omega 3 to omega 6 ratios are misbalanced, which in turn negatively impacts our bodies.
  1. High Dioxin Levels
Last, but not least, farm-bred tilapia also contains higher dioxin levels. These actually pack 11 times more dioxins than wild tilapia. Dioxins are not only toxic, but can also affect your proper body and can even trigger cancer development. The worst thing is that as soon as dioxins get into the body, they take a long time to get out – around 7-11 years is half of what it takes for dioxin to be removed from the body.
All in all, it’s important to know that the farm-bred tilapia is deficient in the vital nutrients your body needs. Instead, you should opt for healthier fish or wild tilapia.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Exercise and blood pressure

Do you want to take control of your blood pressure? If so, exercise may be the key for you to do just that. Many people may not realize exercise can help you control your blood pressure. Fortunately, it is all rather simple.

As you probably know, you are more prone to high blood pressure as you age. Unfortunately, we all age and this cannot be helped. But controlling your blood pressure can be helped.
By exercising you can prevent risks of high blood pressure which can cause stroke and kidney disease. If you already have high blood pressure, exercising can help you get it under control.

As you exercise your heart gets stronger. When your heart is stronger it can pump more blood more easily causing less pressure on your arteries. While exercise may not work for everyone you can easily lower your blood pressure by around ten millimeters.
Even if you do not have high blood pressure, you can take these precautions to prevent from getting it. Along with controlling your blood pressure you can lose weight or maintain your desired weight which also affects your blood pressure.
Overweight people are prone to having high blood pressure and an increased risk of stroke or kidney or heart diseases. If this is you, get moving and start exercising! This doesn't mean you have to overdo yourself, take it slow at first and work your way up. You will start feeling better as you continue a regular routine.
It is suggested to do at least thirty minutes of exercise a day if possible. Thirty minutes can be hard to do for some people, mainly because they can't find the time. If this is the case, you can do short bursts of exercise. You could exercise for ten minutes at a time throughout the day. At the end of the day you've done thirty minutes.
Like with starting any exercise routine, you will want to talk with your doctor first. There are certain things you will have to have your doctor's okay for. If you are a man over forty or a woman over fifty it might be better to talk with your doctor first
Smoking increases blood pressure as well as makes it hard for some people to exercise. Being overweight has an effect on everything and you definitely want to consult your doctor before starting an exercise program.

Having a chronic health condition or high cholesterol and even high blood pressure can put you at risk when exercising. Be sure to talk to your doctor first. If you do not visit the doctor regularly, do so now. It is better to know exactly what health you are in before doing any strenuous activity or even exercising.
Always warm up before starting an exercise routine. Begin slowly so you can slowly build the intensity. Be sure to continuously breathe throughout your routine. Holding your breath can cause your blood pressure to increase and the key of exercising to help control or lower your blood pressure.

If you experience any discomforts or pain while exercising notify your doctor immediately. It is better to take full precaution even if it ends up being something little. Once you start your exercise program, you want to track your progress.

A great way to do this is if you can't see your doctor regularly; purchase a home blood pressure monitoring device. You want to check your pressure before you begin and when you are finished. You want to make sure it's working and how much it's working.

By exercising you are lowering your chances of getting high blood pressure and if you already have it, you are helping to control it. This means you are lessening your risks of strokes or heart diseases. It is never too late to start, no matter your age, gender, or ethnicity. Talk with your doctor today about an exercise program that is right for you. Your body will thank you in the end.

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