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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Hypertension-lies and truths

Hypertension is currently the No. 1 one health problem in developed countries where it is estimated that over 30%of the adult population suffers from some form of hypertension.
In the following text appears to be some "lies" and some truth in this matter.

Hypertension = high blood pressureArterial hypertension is high blood pressure (the pressure of blood circulating in arteries) to levels that result in long-term increased risk of illness and death from cardiovascular diseases (such as stroke and angina or myocardial infarction). The higher systolic (maximum "high") and / or diastolic (minimum "low") pressure, the greater the risk.

 However, the limits of blood pressure distinguish normotensive from hypertensive subjects are those under which the elaposi blood pressure with therapeutic intervention eliminates the risk at the population level.

Hypertension is the steady increase in systolic blood pressure 140 mmHg (millimeters of mercury) or more and / or diastolic pressure 90 mmHg or more. "Steady growth" means the repeated finding of elevated levels in peace.These values ​​apply to all ages into adulthood. In developed countries approximately 1 / 4 of adults has elevated blood pressure values. Because blood pressure increases with age, hypertension is more common in the elderly.Before menopause, hypertension is less commonly in women than in men, but after it is equally common.Addressing the problem of hypertension at the population level encounters an obstacle to the misconceptions that have prevailed for years in public. The "myths" their attempts to break up the text below.

Myth: The greatest risk of hypertension is the risk of getting a sick brain hemorrhage from a sharp increase in blood pressure.Fact: The risk is very small. Hypertension act long-term damaging the lining of arteries. In most cases, the brain-stroke is caused by bleeding, but cerebral artery occlusion, ie the same mechanism which caused the heart attack. In fact, the risk of direct cause of stroke is much higher plane of existence when it decreases sharply when suddenly increases blood pressure in a hypertensive person.

Myth: Disturbing the increase in diastolic ("small") and not primarily as systolic pressure.Fact: Many studies have shown that the increase in systolic ("large") pressure is a risk factor for heart disease and vascular equally important, if not more important, the increase in diastolic ("short") pressure.

Myth: In a hypertensive smoking, regulation of blood pressure's enough to protect from diseases of the heart and blood vessels.Truth: Although smokers have higher blood pressure values ​​than those from nonsmokers, smoking itself is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. To those who continue to smoke, the protection afforded by the regulation of pressure with drugs is reduced.

Myth: High blood pressure causes nosebleeds, which is, moreover, a mechanism of protection against hypertension (opens nose to the left to spare blood). In such cases emergency treatment of hypertension.Truth: In almost all cases, epistaxis from a vein. There is therefore related to the pressure in the arteries, but due to local reasons. The increase in blood pressure is the result of 1 of the concern over the ill H | the nosebleeds and not the cause of the latter. H The only time i justify emergency treatment of blood pressure is very rare bleeding from an artery (blood is then shaken like a jet when impulses).

Myth: In mild cases of hypertension sufficient supply of certain antihypertensive drugs (eg diuretics) and two or three times a week.Fact: A person or hypertensive or not. If you are hypertensive, have to take a medicine as often as necessary to ensure daily activities 24 hours a day,''so at least once a day. If you are hypertensive, then you need not get any antihypertensive medications.

Myth: The drug treatment should be applied immediately after the discovery of hypertension to prevent risks associated with elevated blood pressure.Truth: The damage from hypertension is a long process. Not infrequently, people with diastolic values ​​("short") pressure 90-95 mmHg or systolic ("large") pressure 140-150 mmHg, showing price declines in blood pressure to normal levels without medication. For this reason, there is no reason anyone rushing to give them medicines, before ascertaining that increase is permanent and not temporary.

Myth: The sudden increase in blood pressure levels (eg 200/110 mmHg) is a hypertensive crisis should be treated urgently.Truth: This in itself the price in blood pressure or velocity of growth are not criteria for declaring an emergency.Such increases may occur in normal individuals under stress. What matters is the long term rather than casual blood pressure. 0 term "hypertensive crisis" should be avoided because it creates confusion.

Myth: Garlic is good pressure. TruthGarlic can cause small reducement of blood pressure when administered in large quantities (p.ch.10 -25 cloves of fresh garlic a day). The formulations are marketed extracts or essences garlic, but not stable content in active ingredient in garlic and it is therefore difficult to ensure a stable dose. Moreover, even the "pills" garlic cause halitosis.

Myth: The hypertensive able to understand when the pressure rises on the basis of the symptoms it causes.Fact: Except for very rare hypertensive encephalopathy has not been demonstrated correlations of pressure with symptoms such as headache or dizziness. The misconception that the increase in blood pressure is subjectively felt, leading to occasional medication only when symptoms are present, while the right is to apply a constant cure when detected increased levels of pressure measurements independent of the presence of symptoms.

Myth: In elderly hypertensive pressure should not get reduced because various organs like the brain and kidneys, are accustomed to operating with this pressure.Truth: The gradual reduction in blood pressure when increased, has the effect of reducing the risk of illness and death from cardiovascular disease in the elderly, like young people. The protection even older than the treatment is even greater.

Myth: There is a form of increased pressure, called "neuro hypertension", which is less dangerous than real blood pressure and, anyway, can not check because no one depends on uncontrollable external factors such as excitement, fear, anger, anger.l.p.Truth: The emotional effect on blood pressure applies to all individuals and non-hypertensive (in a normal person who leads the brakes to avoid killing a pedestrian, the pressure can reach 220), but the risk from the hypertension depends solely on the amount of pressure in conditions of peace. Innocent blood pressure-type "nefropiesis" there.

Myth: The oranges are increasing the pressure.Fact: On the contrary, there are indications that the potassium-rich foods like oranges protect against hypertension and in any event, the hypertensive taking diuretics should take foods rich in potassium.

Source: "12 Myths about hypertension", Third Department of Internal Medicine, Athens University, Center for Hypertension

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