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Sunday, November 15, 2015

Coffee and oral health

The coffee is for many people one of the most favorite beverages.
Apart from our emotional connection with coffee, new scientific facts come to show off another one, not very known to date, positive effect on our health.

According to a recent study, published in the prestigious scientific journal International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, the high consumption of coffee is associated with protection against oral cancer. At this point it should be noted that oral cancer is the eighth most common in-line form of cancer worldwide.

As part of the study evaluated the results of previous epidemiological studies, which included data from 4,037 cases of oral cancer and 1,872,231 people.

The results showed that people who had a high consumption of coffee had a significantly reduced risk of developing cancer of the mouth, compared to them that did not drink much coffee.

Specifically those who consumed high amounts of coffee had a 30% lower risk of developing oral cancer than those in the lowest coffee intake point.

As experts point out that the protective effect of coffee may be due to a variety of biologically active components, which in addition to caffeine is caffeine acid and two diterpenes called , and kafestol and  kacheol.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Kiwi: What are the benefits of health

Kiwifruit is food dense in nutrients and low in calories. Possible health benefits include a healthy skin texture, reducing blood pressure and the prevention of heart disease and stroke.
Kiwi is rich in vitamin C.

In a medium size contains:
Calories 42
Protein 0.8 grams
Total fat: 0.4 grams
Fiber: 2.1 grams
Vitamin C: 64 mg
Vitamin A: 3 micrograms
Iron: 0.2 mg
Potassium: 252 mg
Folic acid: 17 mkrogrammaria
The kiwi also contains vitamin E, copper, vitamin K, choline, magnesium, and phosphorus.

Possible benefits to health
Many studies have shown that increased consumption of plant foods such as kiwi reduces the risk of obesity and mortality.
Nice skin: Collagen dependent vitamin C, which acts in the body as an antioxidant that helps prevent damage from stupid, pollution and tobacco, softens wrinkles and improves overall skin texture.
Better sleep: According to research on the effect of kiwifruit consumption on sleep quality in adults with sleep problems, eating of the fruit may potentially improve sleep onset and the duration and effectiveness in adults with sleep disorders .
Heart Health: The fiber and potassium in the kiwi support heart health. An increase in potassium prevention along with reduction of sodium intake is the most important dietary change you can do to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, according to Mark Houston, the Vanderbilt Medical School.
In a survey, those who consumed 4.069 mg of potassium a day had a 49% lower risk of death from ischemic heart disease compared with those who consumed less potassium.
The high potassium intake is also associated with a reduced risk of stroke, protection from loss of muscle mass, maintenance of bone density and reduce the creation of kidney stones.
Reduced pressure: Because of the high potassium content, kiwi can help neutralize the effect of sodium. It is possible that low potassium intake be the same big risk factor for hypertension and high sodium intake.
High intake of potassium is associated with 20% lower risk of death from any cause.
Preventing constipation: Many studies have reported that the Kiwi might have slight laxative effect and could be used as a nutritional supplement, particularly in elderly patients with constipation.
Regular consumption appeared to promote the creation of softer and more frequent stools production.
Risks and precautions
Beta blockers can cause increased levels of potassium in the blood. Foods high in potassium, such as bananas should be eaten in moderation when someone takes beta blockers.
Consuming large quantities of potassium can be harmful for those who do not have full kidney function. If the kidneys are not able to excrete excess potassium from the blood can be fatally.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

How to treat baby acnes, some tips

Baby acne is not uncommon, but it often catches new parents off guard. It appears like "the usual" acne - red bumps, some with white heads. What causes a baby to get acne? Is there anything you can do about it?

What Causes Baby Acne?

The exact cause of acne is tricky to pinpoint with any age. With babies, acne, if it occurs, shows up from 2 to 4 weeks of age. It is usually attributed to hormonal shifts and surges that occur in the womb and during childbirth. These hormonal changes and shifts affect baby's skin for weeks after birth.

In rare instances, baby acne can be a sign of a hormonal imbalance or disorder.

Other possible causes include irritation from detergents, spit-up, or that ubiquitous baby drool.

Some experts suggest that baby acne may indicate allergies, particularly allergies to foods such as dairy products or soy. These substances can reach babies through the mother's milk or in formula.

Will It Go Away?

Baby acne can last up to six months, with breakouts flaring and subsiding. You might notice that baby's acne flares when he or she is sick or teething. It will eventually go away; in the meantime, here are some treatment options.

What Can I Do About My Baby's Acne?

If you suspect a hormonal imbalance or problem - such as baby acne that goes on for months - you will need to discuss treatment options with your doctor. For baby acne that is not the result of hormone problems, here are some common and alternative treatments.

Note: Experts warn not to put any adult acne treatments on baby's skin, such as retinoid creams, benzoyl peroxide, or medicated cleansers.

* Topical treatments - Most of the time, babies with acne just need a gentle wash twice a day, either with plain water or with a mild soap. If the acne is severe, your doctor may prescribe a gentle, medicated topical treatment that is intended for babies.

There are some natural treatments you can employ, too. If breastfeeding, applying some breast milk to the affected areas with a cotton ball may help. Some plain yogurt mixed with a little honey - 1/4 teaspoon of honey per 2 tablespoons of yogurt - makes a gentle, probiotic cleanser for baby's skin. If possible, rinse baby's skin with filtered or distilled water. Tap water may have harsh chemicals that might worsen the problem.

* Dietary considerations - If you're a nursing mother, consider cutting out dairy and soy products to see if your baby's skin improves. You can also try eliminating citrus fruits.

If you feed formula, you might seek out a hypo-allergenic formula that is not dairy or soy-based. * Of course it’s important to get advice from your pediatrician before cutting out any essential foods from your diet while breastfeeding.

* Environmental adjustments - Baby's clothing, bedding, and toys should be washed with mild, hypo-allergenic detergent. Brightly-colored fabrics may contain irritating dyes, so natural fabrics are probably best to avoid allergic reactions.

Babies need some fresh air and sunshine, too - health professionals point out the benefits of moderate sun exposure for baby's health. And fresh air is good for everyone's skin.

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