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Sunday, November 15, 2015

Coffee and oral health

The coffee is for many people one of the most favorite beverages.
Apart from our emotional connection with coffee, new scientific facts come to show off another one, not very known to date, positive effect on our health.

According to a recent study, published in the prestigious scientific journal International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, the high consumption of coffee is associated with protection against oral cancer. At this point it should be noted that oral cancer is the eighth most common in-line form of cancer worldwide.

As part of the study evaluated the results of previous epidemiological studies, which included data from 4,037 cases of oral cancer and 1,872,231 people.

The results showed that people who had a high consumption of coffee had a significantly reduced risk of developing cancer of the mouth, compared to them that did not drink much coffee.

Specifically those who consumed high amounts of coffee had a 30% lower risk of developing oral cancer than those in the lowest coffee intake point.

As experts point out that the protective effect of coffee may be due to a variety of biologically active components, which in addition to caffeine is caffeine acid and two diterpenes called , and kafestol and  kacheol.


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