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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Hypertension-lies and truths

Hypertension is currently the No. 1 one health problem in developed countries where it is estimated that over 30%of the adult population suffers from some form of hypertension.
In the following text appears to be some "lies" and some truth in this matter.

Hypertension = high blood pressureArterial hypertension is high blood pressure (the pressure of blood circulating in arteries) to levels that result in long-term increased risk of illness and death from cardiovascular diseases (such as stroke and angina or myocardial infarction). The higher systolic (maximum "high") and / or diastolic (minimum "low") pressure, the greater the risk.

 However, the limits of blood pressure distinguish normotensive from hypertensive subjects are those under which the elaposi blood pressure with therapeutic intervention eliminates the risk at the population level.

Hypertension is the steady increase in systolic blood pressure 140 mmHg (millimeters of mercury) or more and / or diastolic pressure 90 mmHg or more. "Steady growth" means the repeated finding of elevated levels in peace.These values ​​apply to all ages into adulthood. In developed countries approximately 1 / 4 of adults has elevated blood pressure values. Because blood pressure increases with age, hypertension is more common in the elderly.Before menopause, hypertension is less commonly in women than in men, but after it is equally common.Addressing the problem of hypertension at the population level encounters an obstacle to the misconceptions that have prevailed for years in public. The "myths" their attempts to break up the text below.

Myth: The greatest risk of hypertension is the risk of getting a sick brain hemorrhage from a sharp increase in blood pressure.Fact: The risk is very small. Hypertension act long-term damaging the lining of arteries. In most cases, the brain-stroke is caused by bleeding, but cerebral artery occlusion, ie the same mechanism which caused the heart attack. In fact, the risk of direct cause of stroke is much higher plane of existence when it decreases sharply when suddenly increases blood pressure in a hypertensive person.

Myth: Disturbing the increase in diastolic ("small") and not primarily as systolic pressure.Fact: Many studies have shown that the increase in systolic ("large") pressure is a risk factor for heart disease and vascular equally important, if not more important, the increase in diastolic ("short") pressure.

Myth: In a hypertensive smoking, regulation of blood pressure's enough to protect from diseases of the heart and blood vessels.Truth: Although smokers have higher blood pressure values ​​than those from nonsmokers, smoking itself is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. To those who continue to smoke, the protection afforded by the regulation of pressure with drugs is reduced.

Myth: High blood pressure causes nosebleeds, which is, moreover, a mechanism of protection against hypertension (opens nose to the left to spare blood). In such cases emergency treatment of hypertension.Truth: In almost all cases, epistaxis from a vein. There is therefore related to the pressure in the arteries, but due to local reasons. The increase in blood pressure is the result of 1 of the concern over the ill H | the nosebleeds and not the cause of the latter. H The only time i justify emergency treatment of blood pressure is very rare bleeding from an artery (blood is then shaken like a jet when impulses).

Myth: In mild cases of hypertension sufficient supply of certain antihypertensive drugs (eg diuretics) and two or three times a week.Fact: A person or hypertensive or not. If you are hypertensive, have to take a medicine as often as necessary to ensure daily activities 24 hours a day,''so at least once a day. If you are hypertensive, then you need not get any antihypertensive medications.

Myth: The drug treatment should be applied immediately after the discovery of hypertension to prevent risks associated with elevated blood pressure.Truth: The damage from hypertension is a long process. Not infrequently, people with diastolic values ​​("short") pressure 90-95 mmHg or systolic ("large") pressure 140-150 mmHg, showing price declines in blood pressure to normal levels without medication. For this reason, there is no reason anyone rushing to give them medicines, before ascertaining that increase is permanent and not temporary.

Myth: The sudden increase in blood pressure levels (eg 200/110 mmHg) is a hypertensive crisis should be treated urgently.Truth: This in itself the price in blood pressure or velocity of growth are not criteria for declaring an emergency.Such increases may occur in normal individuals under stress. What matters is the long term rather than casual blood pressure. 0 term "hypertensive crisis" should be avoided because it creates confusion.

Myth: Garlic is good pressure. TruthGarlic can cause small reducement of blood pressure when administered in large quantities (p.ch.10 -25 cloves of fresh garlic a day). The formulations are marketed extracts or essences garlic, but not stable content in active ingredient in garlic and it is therefore difficult to ensure a stable dose. Moreover, even the "pills" garlic cause halitosis.

Myth: The hypertensive able to understand when the pressure rises on the basis of the symptoms it causes.Fact: Except for very rare hypertensive encephalopathy has not been demonstrated correlations of pressure with symptoms such as headache or dizziness. The misconception that the increase in blood pressure is subjectively felt, leading to occasional medication only when symptoms are present, while the right is to apply a constant cure when detected increased levels of pressure measurements independent of the presence of symptoms.

Myth: In elderly hypertensive pressure should not get reduced because various organs like the brain and kidneys, are accustomed to operating with this pressure.Truth: The gradual reduction in blood pressure when increased, has the effect of reducing the risk of illness and death from cardiovascular disease in the elderly, like young people. The protection even older than the treatment is even greater.

Myth: There is a form of increased pressure, called "neuro hypertension", which is less dangerous than real blood pressure and, anyway, can not check because no one depends on uncontrollable external factors such as excitement, fear, anger, anger.l.p.Truth: The emotional effect on blood pressure applies to all individuals and non-hypertensive (in a normal person who leads the brakes to avoid killing a pedestrian, the pressure can reach 220), but the risk from the hypertension depends solely on the amount of pressure in conditions of peace. Innocent blood pressure-type "nefropiesis" there.

Myth: The oranges are increasing the pressure.Fact: On the contrary, there are indications that the potassium-rich foods like oranges protect against hypertension and in any event, the hypertensive taking diuretics should take foods rich in potassium.

Source: "12 Myths about hypertension", Third Department of Internal Medicine, Athens University, Center for Hypertension

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Migraine and cure with Pro-drugs

The herbs since ancient times constituted the first choice of man's attempt to cure the disease, now with the help of science we can reveal the most secret and to use them in a wide range of therapeutic needs
Below you will find information on the treatment of migraine headaches with the help of some herbs called "pro-drug"

Pro-drug for the treatment of migraine

TANACETUM PARTHENIUMBotanical name: Tanacetum parthenium.Common Greek name: Chrysanthemum.English name: Feverfew.Synonyms: Chrysanthemum parthenium.Family: Asteraceae.Ingredients: terpenoids, essential oils, flavonoids and tannins.
PropertiesTraditionally used to treat migraine, tinnitus, dizziness, arthritis, fever, abnormalities of the menstrual cycle, stomachache, toothache and insect bites.Today, the use of focus on action to prevent and treat migraines (studies in progress).

Dosage:The dose recommended for prevention of migraine is as follows:Leaves (fresh): 2.5 leaves per day with food or after eating.Leaves (dried): 50mg daily with food or after eating.Aerial parts (dried): 50-200mg daily (equivalent to 0,2-0,6 mg parthenolidis).

Contraindications:• Contraindicated in individuals with known hypersensitivity to the pro-drug.• Not given to pregnant, breastfeeding and children.
Side effects• Mouth sores from chewing the leaves.• Nausea, vomiting, anorexia.• Dermal hypersensitivity reactions.• Aching muscles and joints.
Highlight"Recently the plant was used by Aveèno to soothe red and irritated skin."The pro-drug is used by the GelStat Corporation as non-prescription medicine in the treatment of migraine and is administered in sublingual form mixed with ginger.

PETASITES HYBRIDUS L. GAERTN.Botanical name: Petasites hybridus (L.) Gaertn.English name: Vutterbur.Synonyms: Petasites officinalis Moench.Family: Asteraceae.Ingredients: Alkaloids, seskiterpenia (petasini).

PropertiesThe Native Americans used it as medicine headaches and inflammation. Studies have shown that extracts petasinis and / or isopetasinis (substances in high concentrations in the roots of some varieties of the plant) is effective in preventing migraine headaches and in relieving the symptoms. The best So-proven action-extract of the plant is in the treatment of migraine.Moreover, the plant used to treat breathing problems (asthma, whooping cough), as a diuretic, for arthritis and irritable bowel syndrome.

Investigations are made for the application in the treatment of headache and migraine, and seizure of the urinary tract, while a Swiss study reports the effect of the extract in the treatment of "hay fever» (hay fever), without causing the unwanted sedative action of the antihistamine cetirizine.

Contraindications:• Contraindicated in individuals with known hypersensitivity to the pro-drug.• Not given to pregnant, breastfeeding and children.• The use by individuals with reduced gastrointestinal motility, and may worsen the symptoms.• The pyrrolizidinika alkaloid pro-drug can cause severe irreversible liver damage.

Side effects:• Nausea, vomiting, anorexia, abdominal pain, stool color change, hepatotoxicity.• Dermal hypersensitivity reactions, skin color change.• Shortness of breath.• Carcinogenesis due to high levels of alkaloids.ROSMARINUS OFFICINALIS LBotanical name: Rosmarinus officinalis L.Common Greek name: Livanotidos Leaves, Rosemary.Family: Lamiaceae (Labiatae).Constituents: Flavonoids (diosmetini, diosmini etc.), phenols (caffeic, chlorogenic, etc.), essential oil whose main constituents of terpene hydrocarbons, eg alpha-and beta-pinene, kamfenio, camphor etc.
PropertiesSpasmolytic, soothing, anti-inflammatory, anti-hepatotoxic, antioxidant, diuretic and antimicrobial. Locally also has mild analgesic and fungicidal properties.

From traditional medicine used as bile and unnatural (relieves flatulence) as indigestion, and headache and migraine. Locally applied to myalgia, sciatica and neuralgia.Contraindications:• topical preparations should be used with caution in individuals with known hypersensitivity to any of their ingredients.• The content of the oil camphor 20-50% and taken by mouth in large quantities can cause epileptic seizures.• The plant is referred to as abortion and emmenagogue, so it should not be consumed by pregnant women as it can cause, because the essential oil-and toxic problems.• Not to be used by epilepsy patients in large quantities.
Side effects:The oil of rosemary can cause a rash or dermatitis when applied to sensitive skin. Has reported the case of photosensitivity.

Dosage:Liquid extract: 2-4ml (1:1 in 45% alcohol)3 times a day.In apsefima: 2-4g of dried leaves3 times a day.External use: 50g pro-drug for a bath or liquid preparations containing 6-10% essential oil.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Live longer, live better

According to Dan Buettner, researcher of National Geographic, who published some time ago in his book The Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer from the People Who've Lived the Longest, the financing of the U.S. National Institute on Aging, the secret Longevity is, and is located on the "Blue Zones" where he traveled for five years.

One of them is not far from us: In Sardinia, the famous island of Italy, most centenarians living men in the world.Another, the Okinawa, Japan has the highest healthy life expectancy. In Loma Linda, California, a community of Seventh Day Adventist (religious organization) has life expectancy by 9 to 11 years greater than that of other Americans, and the peninsula of Costa Rica Nikogia mortality in middle age is less than any other.

Although nobody has been able so far to fully decode the human aging process, scientists know that has to do with a complex interaction of genes and environmental factors, while himself Buettner says failed to identify some common elements in the lives of residents the Blue Zones give them more years of life. These have nothing to do with supplements, pills or wine extracts, despite the same lifestyle, which encourages them, willy-nilly, to intense physical activity. Residents of Okinawa, for example, sit on the floor. The Sardinia live in each house and have Costa Rican homes with gardens. Thus forced into small everyday "movements" in the day, which impart a year.

In his book, Dan Buettner, mentioned above, we found even more "secrets" of centenarians in the world, which even if they fail to give us 10 or 20 more years of life, can certainly help us gain a more balanced, quality life, as though it lasted.

* Movement: No need to start training for triathlons or cornered by force in the gym already damaged your daily schedule. It says Buettner, the residents of Blue Zones are active without polyskeftoun. Care of the animals, chopping wood, prune trees, while occupations are far from city life, but can be replaced eg using bicycles instead of cars or the stairs instead of elevators.

* Reduce amount of food: The people of Okinawa implement a form of control of a portion of food called «hara hachi bu» means and how to eat your fill of 80%. Try to apply this practice in your diet and avoid filling your plate completely or leaving some food always finish your meal.

* More herbs: And the four cultural groups examined by Buettner for the book follow a mostly vegetarian diet. The people of Okinawa eat much tofu and tubers, while Sardinia love fava beans and garden vegetables (eg tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant, zucchini, etc.). At Loma Linda the community Antvetiston feeds on grains, nuts and seeds, avoiding much salt and processed foods.

* Drink: We've said it before. One to two glasses of red wine a day can extend years of life. And not just red wine.In Costa Rica, for example, prefer the distilled rum, while in Okinawa the traditional drink of sake.

* Find a purpose: If the purpose of waking up is to prevent an important appointment, you must review your lifestyle. Among the populations examined by Buettner, all stressed the importance to have a sense of purpose, "goal" in life. And it's much better when the objective has to do exclusively with the work, which otherwise will not work out for a lifetime. Find, therefore, something that is your life's purpose and then the 60-65.

* Reduce stress: What if we told you before. The Buettner, describing the life of the Seventh Day Adventist, notes how important it is for them the Sabbath. -Stressed as they are, all the work you have to do, never affected the day and closing prayer. The inhabitants of the peninsula Nikogia in Costa Rica, on the other hand, after taking care of his afternoon sleep to go out and talk with friends and acquaintances. We are not saying to get into a religious organization, nor sleep anyway noon, but to find ways that will relieve the stress of everyday life.

* Focus on the Family:Studies have shown that married outlive the self or separated, and those of them are parents live longer than those without children. Grandparents living with their families also tend to have longer life expectancy, from grandparents who live in nursing homes, according to Buettner. Devoting more time to family and creating a family "traditions" will bring you closer and give you happiness, relaxation and ... more life!

* Find the appropriate friends: No need to let those friends have "bad" habits, just look around you. Our friends can influence the diet, weight, and probably our practice. Try, therefore, to spend more time with people who inspire you to take care of yourself, that make you smile and have fun and be amazed at how much better your life.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

What is TCM?The traditional Chinese acupuncture, traditional Chinese herbal medicine, Traditional Chinese Nutrition, Qi Gong, the Tai ji Chuan and Medical Tuina is used by the Chinese for at least 2000 years. There are several historical evidence that basic forms existed 6000 years ago.

How is the diagnosis and treatment of disease?

Before you begin any form of therapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine is based on the investigation of the root, and the mechanism of disease symptoms. For the practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the symptoms are nothing more than a child crying, asking for attention. " As nobody 'stuffs a child crying, but would try to learn what you need and why cry so, a good practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine is based on four diagnostic tools (eye, ear / nose, question, pulse, analysis of language ) specifies the location and nature of the disease (indoor-outdoor, cold, heat, excess-deficiency, YinYang), exposing the underlying causes of disease, the mechanism and the level of the event, identify the syndrome on the basis of the imbalance and, only then, make the beginning of treatment, choose the appropriate treatment.

Where is being teached and practiced in China?

The Traditional Chinese Medicine is practiced throughout China elected in special hospitals, controlled by the Chinese Health Authorities and taught at the Universities of Traditional Chinese Medicine where students can obtain a Bachelor's degree and where those who wish to continue their studies, they can obtain and Master and Doctorate. In panepistimai are also taught Western medicine to a level considered adequate for students of Traditional Chinese Medicine, although it includes the full range of issues and to the extent required for the medical preparation.Foreigners wishing to study Traditional Chinese Medicine in China, they can make. The universities have annual programs (in English or Japanese) for foreign students. In this time period, students learn the basic education that is essential for anyone who wants to deal with the practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This program normally prepares students to handle basic clinical cases with acupuncture and herbology. 

Students wanting to study in China and to obtain a Bachelor's degree can do, but these courses are taught, usually only in Chinese. In periptosi this a test of Chinese language, which must be requested, is required.Students who have been trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine in Europe and already have a Bachelor's degree may pursue further studies in China. Besides being required to submit a degree of competence in Chinese language, should also take an entrance examination in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Doctors of Traditional Chinese Medicine receive full recognition in China without having previously attended a formal education in Western medicine.Taught in Europe?Traditional Chinese medicine is usually taught in Europe by private institutes, except few universities (eg the universities of Westminster, in Middlesex, and York in Great Britain and the University of Antwerp in Belgium where he designed a special curriculum for students of Traditional Chinese Medicine, without requiring them to have previously gained a degree in Western Medicine. 
Normally a student must hold a diploma in secondary education.The university's medical Milan (Italy) among others, teaching tradition from Chinese acupuncture at Master only to doctors. This program follows the requirements of Bologna (and next), which regulate anotati ekapidefsi the European Community: 60 ECTS with 500 hours of instruction

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