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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Migraine and cure with Pro-drugs

The herbs since ancient times constituted the first choice of man's attempt to cure the disease, now with the help of science we can reveal the most secret and to use them in a wide range of therapeutic needs
Below you will find information on the treatment of migraine headaches with the help of some herbs called "pro-drug"

Pro-drug for the treatment of migraine

TANACETUM PARTHENIUMBotanical name: Tanacetum parthenium.Common Greek name: Chrysanthemum.English name: Feverfew.Synonyms: Chrysanthemum parthenium.Family: Asteraceae.Ingredients: terpenoids, essential oils, flavonoids and tannins.
PropertiesTraditionally used to treat migraine, tinnitus, dizziness, arthritis, fever, abnormalities of the menstrual cycle, stomachache, toothache and insect bites.Today, the use of focus on action to prevent and treat migraines (studies in progress).

Dosage:The dose recommended for prevention of migraine is as follows:Leaves (fresh): 2.5 leaves per day with food or after eating.Leaves (dried): 50mg daily with food or after eating.Aerial parts (dried): 50-200mg daily (equivalent to 0,2-0,6 mg parthenolidis).

Contraindications:• Contraindicated in individuals with known hypersensitivity to the pro-drug.• Not given to pregnant, breastfeeding and children.
Side effects• Mouth sores from chewing the leaves.• Nausea, vomiting, anorexia.• Dermal hypersensitivity reactions.• Aching muscles and joints.
Highlight"Recently the plant was used by Aveèno to soothe red and irritated skin."The pro-drug is used by the GelStat Corporation as non-prescription medicine in the treatment of migraine and is administered in sublingual form mixed with ginger.

PETASITES HYBRIDUS L. GAERTN.Botanical name: Petasites hybridus (L.) Gaertn.English name: Vutterbur.Synonyms: Petasites officinalis Moench.Family: Asteraceae.Ingredients: Alkaloids, seskiterpenia (petasini).

PropertiesThe Native Americans used it as medicine headaches and inflammation. Studies have shown that extracts petasinis and / or isopetasinis (substances in high concentrations in the roots of some varieties of the plant) is effective in preventing migraine headaches and in relieving the symptoms. The best So-proven action-extract of the plant is in the treatment of migraine.Moreover, the plant used to treat breathing problems (asthma, whooping cough), as a diuretic, for arthritis and irritable bowel syndrome.

Investigations are made for the application in the treatment of headache and migraine, and seizure of the urinary tract, while a Swiss study reports the effect of the extract in the treatment of "hay fever» (hay fever), without causing the unwanted sedative action of the antihistamine cetirizine.

Contraindications:• Contraindicated in individuals with known hypersensitivity to the pro-drug.• Not given to pregnant, breastfeeding and children.• The use by individuals with reduced gastrointestinal motility, and may worsen the symptoms.• The pyrrolizidinika alkaloid pro-drug can cause severe irreversible liver damage.

Side effects:• Nausea, vomiting, anorexia, abdominal pain, stool color change, hepatotoxicity.• Dermal hypersensitivity reactions, skin color change.• Shortness of breath.• Carcinogenesis due to high levels of alkaloids.ROSMARINUS OFFICINALIS LBotanical name: Rosmarinus officinalis L.Common Greek name: Livanotidos Leaves, Rosemary.Family: Lamiaceae (Labiatae).Constituents: Flavonoids (diosmetini, diosmini etc.), phenols (caffeic, chlorogenic, etc.), essential oil whose main constituents of terpene hydrocarbons, eg alpha-and beta-pinene, kamfenio, camphor etc.
PropertiesSpasmolytic, soothing, anti-inflammatory, anti-hepatotoxic, antioxidant, diuretic and antimicrobial. Locally also has mild analgesic and fungicidal properties.

From traditional medicine used as bile and unnatural (relieves flatulence) as indigestion, and headache and migraine. Locally applied to myalgia, sciatica and neuralgia.Contraindications:• topical preparations should be used with caution in individuals with known hypersensitivity to any of their ingredients.• The content of the oil camphor 20-50% and taken by mouth in large quantities can cause epileptic seizures.• The plant is referred to as abortion and emmenagogue, so it should not be consumed by pregnant women as it can cause, because the essential oil-and toxic problems.• Not to be used by epilepsy patients in large quantities.
Side effects:The oil of rosemary can cause a rash or dermatitis when applied to sensitive skin. Has reported the case of photosensitivity.

Dosage:Liquid extract: 2-4ml (1:1 in 45% alcohol)3 times a day.In apsefima: 2-4g of dried leaves3 times a day.External use: 50g pro-drug for a bath or liquid preparations containing 6-10% essential oil.

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