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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Blackberies-the "little secret" of life

Nowadays, many studies and surveys have shown that eating fruits and vegetables is associated with heart disease, but with the emergence of various forms of cancer.However, many people in various countries, do not consume even the minimum recommended amount of fruits and 5 vegetables a day. The food shortage is, however, come meet the different types of edible small and soft fruits like berries.

The most famous and popular berries are strawberries (strawberries), raspberries (raspberries), blueberries (blackberries), the bilberries (blueberries), helmets (cranberry), raisins (black and blonde).

The edible berries are part of human diet for centuries. The modern cultivated strawberry, for example, is a descendant of a variety of woodland started by the Romans.Raspberries, on the other hand, cultivated in Europe since the Middle Ages, while the berries turning the clock back far more years, reaching to Neolithic times.

As with all other fruits and vegetables, berries are important sources of dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. Many types of berries contain high levels of both vitamin C (ascorbic acid), so only a handful of these fruits can provide the recommended daily intake (RDA) of vitamin. Vitamin C has powerful antioxidant, helps in the synthesis of collagen and hormones, immune system and the absorption of iron and plays a role in preventing heart disease, osteoporosis and various cancers.

The berries are also important dietary sources of folic acid (B9), a water soluble B vitamin that helps in the formation of red blood cells, it is therefore necessary to treat anemia, but also for the synthesis of DNA and RNA of the organism, and reduces the chances of atherosclerosis by protecting the cardiovascular system and contribute to good skin health. The berries may also have additional health benefits, since it is rich in phytochemicals.

Studies show that blueberries can protect various brain functions like learning and memory loss that occurs with age, but greatly increased and the body's defenses. Other research suggests that phytochemicals such as anthocyanins and flavonoids, which is responsible for red, violet, purple and blue colors of the berries have a range of properties such as anticancer, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory. Also protect against heart disease. However, these investigations are still in very early stages.

So let's not omit, these small fruit, while showing "little eye", but it is rich in nutrients such as vitamin C and folic acid may offer even more benefits, both in diet and in good health of the human body.

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