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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Cancer-a "fight" that can be a "Win"

CANCER and how to fight against it

Cancer is an abnormal growth of cells. Cancer cells divide uncontrollably as if our home but we regulate the temperature of the burner continues to operate as the temperature rises. Whatever you do, the thermostat operates on its own initiative producing more heat. These tumors are classified as differentiated and undifferentiated. The differentiated closely resemble the cells of normal tissue obtained. 
The undifferentiated look with little or no tissue obtained. Another classification system describes tumors of high and low grade.High grade tumors are fast growing and aggressive. The low-grade tumors grow slowly and are less aggressive. For many years the three basic methods of treatment are surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. 

To be considered surgery as the best choice to be found the volume in a single location and removing the tumor, the surgeon must not damage any vital organ. With the radiation destroyed the genetic structure of tumor cells and thus do not grow or divide.

 Chemotherapy is the method of treatment chemicals. Given the powerful effects of chemotherapy should take other medicines the patient as antiemetics. Side effects after radiation are fatigue, unwell, nausea, vomiting, rash skin, hair loss. Side effects of chemotherapy are nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, generalized fatigue. 

You must understand that cancer is a death sentence. The secret is to not feel the patient is helpless and at the mercy of inexorable fate. Because if you think it would lose the will to struggle in life. Should the cancer patient to adopt a militant attitude to life. For several decades, cancer is a word that causes panic. And today many still avoid talking about cancer even though today is a common condition and often curable.

 From the patient and only depends how honest and open he wants to be on this issue. If you do not want to use the word cancer, it can use the keyword malignancy or tumor. Some prefer not to discuss with anyone the problem. Although it seems hard, it makes sense to open one in his family and friends. The best way to control the patient's fears, is to deal with them. Not all families are supportive to the patient. Not everyone is capable in time of crisis to behave spontaneously, lovingly and sympathized with insignia. 

Some feel the approaching death long ago. The oncologists often see patients relapse and family members have already prepared psychologically to come to the end. The family mourns while the patient himself struggling to live. Reasonable that threatened relations and more closely bonded family. The emotional and physical exhaustion, the constant concern and care exhausting. Anger and rage manifested in outbursts and accusations or even to overprotective behavior. No one should criticize the way everyone reacts to the crisis.Some people and some relationships become stronger while others staggering. 

If anyone sees every adversity as an additional problem to be tackled with determination, or as a misfortune, then the positive attitude will help him overcome the difficulties that would follow. But if the person reacted to the setbacks of life with the question <because I; > May be wasting the vital force against the disease. 

Anger is a normal reaction. It helps to overcome the period of grief. If the patient does not feel anger and do not find a way to express it in danger of sinking into a long period of depression. If anger is not dealt damaging the mental strength that could be channeled to reconcile with the disease. The patient should do whatever helps him break out. Then need to channel this energy in a positive way by saying that he will fight to hold on to life. 

The cancer patient must not allow fear to dominate his life. The first question submitted by patients is usually how long I have left to live;Such stringent provisions do not apply. Knowledge and understanding are the only weapons that release the patient from any irrational fear. Even if the fears are under control, it is possible some friends or relatives can unwittingly transmit their own fears.

 If the patient is found unprepared in danger because you discover that the emotional reserves are depleted. Only when informing all parties can properly guide their efforts. The cancer patient's self-esteem is threatened by the idea of ​​cancer. Unfortunately many times the cancer patient believes that cancer is the result of divine action. But the truth is that cancer can affect anyone today. The isolation and loneliness are often imposed on chronic diseases. The patient must seek new ties and new bridges with people and to engage in activities that would renew the spirit and the will to live. 

Nobody knows exactly why the cancer patient gets tired easily. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy cause fatigue due to the formation of toxic substances. Patients undergoing these treatments require 20% more calories and protein. The muscle weakness leads to an excess of lactic acid which reduces muscle strength and adds more fatigue. To troubleshoot the side effects you are trying to relax in a quiet room. Use relaxation techniques such as your favorite music. Recourse to acupuncture, homeopathy or reflexology to check the side effects

Avoid hot or spicy foods, alcoholic beverages, tomatoes, lemons greip fruit and oranges. Treat Anorexia with 5-10 minutes of exercise before eating drinking an aperitif or a glass of wine, eating little and often. Treat constipation by drinking plenty of fluids to avoid white bread, sweets, chocolates, cheese, eggs. Eat prunes and juice. In diarrhea avoid oily and spicy foods, coffee, sour fruit, very hot and very cold foods.The pain is a crucial parameter of the fear of cancer. 60-90% of cancer patients have severe pain. Pain charged lifestyle. If untreated it will destroy the quality of life. There are two types of pain. The sudden and loud as manifested by severity and soon disappears.

 Chronic pain that fluctuates in intensity but never zero. The pain is exacerbated by the distress, fear of death and isolation. All pains are magnified when we think our pain.The drugs used for pain in cancer patients, often causing constipation, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, loss of pressure, mental confusion, frequent urination and urinary retention.

Relaxation is a great way to control one's stress. When the cancer patient reduce stress, and will ease the physical pain. Should the patient to sit comfortably in his chair or lie down. We must begin to take deep breaths. The deep abdominal breathing has therapeutic properties. Repeat the breathing several times slowly until you feel relaxed. 

Press with your fingers parts of the body believed to be coming to the surface of your vital force. These points are the same as those used in acupuncture. To get a deep relaxing place fingers over the solar plexus in the center of the body. Then tap back and relax quietly. The feeling that you are occupying is calm and soothing. Ask the therapist to sit in front of your feet and put his hands with open fingers on your feet for 15 minutes. 

And once you reach deep relaxation. Reflexology is the therapeutic ideal not only for relaxation but also for pain and even to strengthen the immune system of cancer patients.Recently, the largest hospital in America in which the author served as a medical member (John Hopkins) came the following news.So what the hospital claims that in addition to chemotherapy, there is another way of dealing with cancer.1. Every person has cancer cells in his body. 

These cancer cells do not appear in the standard tests until they have multiplied to a few billion. When doctors tell cancer patients that there are no more cancer cells in their bodies after treatment, it just means that it is impossible to detect the cancer cells in their exams, because they have not reached the detectable size.2. Cancer cells occur between 6 to more than 10 times in a person's life.3. When the person's immune system is strong the cancer cells are destroyed and prevented from multiplying and forming tumors.4. 

When someone has cancer it indicates the person has multiple nutritional deficienciesThis may be due to genetic, environmental and dietary factors and lifestyle of the individual.5. To overcome the multiple nutritional deficiencies, changing diet and including supplements will strengthen the immune system.6. Chemotherapy involves poisoning the rapidly-growing cancer cells but also destroys rapidly-growing healthy cells in the bone marrow, gastrointestinal tract etc and can cause organ damage, like liver, kidneys, heart, lungs etc.7. 

Radiation while destroying cancer cells also burns, scars and damages healthy cells, tissues and organs.8. Initial treatment with chemotherapy and radiation will often reduce tumor size. However, prolonged use of chemotherapy and radiation do not result in more tumor destruction.9. When the body has too much toxic burden from chemotherapy and radiation the immune system is either compromised or destroyed, so the person can succumb to various kinds of infections and complications.10. 

Chemotherapy and radiation can cause mutation of cancer cells so that they become more resistant and difficult to destroy. Surgery can result in the spread of cancer cells and in other areas.11. An effective way to battle cancer is to starve the cancer cells by not giving them the food that needs to multiply.CANCER CELLS FEED ON:a. Sugar is a cancer

Removing sugar from your diet off one important food supply to the tumor cells. Sugar substitutes such as Canderel, NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc. produced by aspartame is harmful. A better natural substitute would be Manuka honey or molasses but only in very small quantities. Table salt has a chemical added to make it white in color.

 Better alternative is a spice type Bragg's aminos or sea salt.b. Milk causes the body to produce mucus, especially in the gastrointestinal tract. Cancer feeds on mucus. By cutting off milk and substituting with soy milk without added sweeteners, the cancer cells are being starved.c. Cancer cells thrive in acidic environments. 

A meat-based diet is acidic. It is best to eat fish and a little chicken rather than beef or pork. Meat also contains livestock antibiotics, growth hormones and parasites, which are all harmful, especially for cancer patients.d. A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole grains, seeds, nuts and a little fruits help create an alkaline environment in your body. 

The 20% can be from cooked food including beans. The Fresh vegetable juices provide live enzymes that are easily absorbed and reach down to cellular levels within 15 minutes to nourish and enhance growth of healthy cells. To obtain live enzymes for building healthycells try and drink fresh vegetable juice (most vegetables including bean sprouts) and eat some raw vegetables 2 or 3 times a day. Enzymes are destroyed at temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit).e. Avoid coffee, tea and chocolate, which have high caffeine. Green tea is a better alternative and has cancer-fighting properties. 

Water, best to drink purified or filtered, to avoid known toxins and heavy metals in tap water.Distilled water is acidic, avoid it ..12. Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires lot digestive enzymes. The Undigested meat remaining in the intestines become putrefied and leads to more toxic buildup.13. The walls of cancer cells have a tough protein covering. By refraining from or eating less meat it frees more enzymes to attack the protein walls of cancer cells leading killer cells can destroy them.14. Some supplements build up the immune system (IP6, Flor ssence, Essiac, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, EFAs etc.). Other supplements like vitamin E are known to cause apoptosis, or programmed cell death, the body's normal method of disposing of damaged, unwanted, or unneeded cells.15. 

Cancer is a disease of the mind, body and soul. A proactive and positive spirit will help the cancer warrior be a survivor. Anger, unforgiveness and bitterness put the body emotions in a stressful and acidic environment.Learn your spirit to love and forgive. Learn to relax and enjoy life.16. Cancer cells can not thrive in an oxygenated environment. Exercising daily and deep breathing help to get more oxygen to the cells. Oxygen therapy is another means employed to destroy cancer cells.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Gastritis - Colitis - Stomach ulcers - Duodenal ulcer - Constipation

- Gastritis - Colitis - Stomach ulcers - Duodenal ulcer - Constipation

 The martyrdom of Sissyfou suit those with digestive disorders. When you eat today, three or four times a day if the digestive system digests and absorbs food has a problem, then every bite leads to an ordeal. Pain in stomach or abdomen, bloating, burning in the esophagus, gourgourita, gas, diarrhea or constipation, belching. These are some of the symptoms of digestive disorders. But all these local symptoms almost always accompanied by weakness, sweating, nervousness and a general decline in mood.

This is because the digestive system is closely connected with the nervous system. And who knows for example that very often the anxiety or fear or stenachoreia "spoil" the stomach immediately. There are random expressions "I feel a tightness / punch in the stomach", "this man is sitting in my stomach", "the stenachoreia toss my guts."

 The impasse of individual treatment effects The most common digestive diseases are gastritis, stomach ulcers or duodenal, colitis or irritable bowel and constipation. Usually recommended conservative diet. But apart from the difficulties of implementing such a diet, often despite the strict application of these symptoms persist. It appears that diet is not the only factor and many times nor the largest. There are many people when they are in a good mood digest everything and the slightest stenachoreia or anxiety despite good nutrition have a problem. So a second important factor is the mental balance of the individual.

Let us not forget that the digestive is directly connected to the nervous system. In recent years the discovery of the existence of Campylobacter pylori in people with gastritis or peptic ulcer disease was a euphoria in medical circles that a long-term treatment with strong antibiotics will solve the problem permanently. But beyond the strong side effects that accompany such an action see the problem to subside for some time and often recurs. And only this fact is indicative that something is not doing it right. That our action is partial and superficial and not complete and thorough. Ie radical. It is likely that Campylobacter is the "sweeper" that grows and thrives in a favorable ground disturbed gastric environment and not the root cause of the disorder.

Homeopathy works on the human-psychophysical totality In the final analysis it is evident that he is the stomach, but the patient is suffering primarily as a psychosomatic whole and because of this primary disorder have symptoms of stomach-regional body. Should therefore focus not only on treatment but to treat stomach and all the other factors such as heredity, the psychological factors and diet. Experience 250 years of the homeopathic treatment in diseases of the digestive tract showed that the homeopathic remedy acts at multiple levels of human beings. Has in principle the possibility to act balancing the psychic level and raising the mental balance of the individual.

 An anxious or nervous person will not change course, nature ultimately it will become more calm in dealing with various mental and physical stress. This means that different "upset" would be treated more successfully and will not be the person reaches the point of "swallowing things" in the stomach or to accept "undigested statements" as eloquent language idioms mean. And this happens because the psychic defense mechanisms will operate much better. Furthermore, the homeopathic medicine does not act to suppress the nervous system as numerous as sedatives and anti-anxiety drugs or presenting phenomena of dependence or addiction. Having naturally from plants or minerals and acting naturally can be given without any fear of side effects.

 A second action of homeopathic medicine is the hereditary predisposition of the individual. It simply corrects an acute intestinal disorder, but after a systematic homeopathic treatment some months we find that the digestive susceptibility is reduced significantly or eliminated. Physical activity without side effects and strong overall therapeutic effect, permanent root therapeutic effect are three major advantages of homeopathic treatment.

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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Alopecia-Everything that you must know

All About Alopecia

.The hair on the shape of our face and the first impression we give to those we encounter. 
The way interfere, or intervene in them, may also betray a lot about our character: we are wise, revolutionaries, brave, indifferent, practical, daffodils? Even when the hair is rich and healthy, many find difficult to manage so that they match the impression they want to give to others. If you start to thin out considerably, the options are limited, which impacts on confidence. If they are serious, can cause psychological and social effects, especially in people who combine data, personality.

.THE RIGHT ShampooThe daily shampooing, if done gently, not damage hair.
 Frequency of bathing depends on hair type, weather conditions, physical activity and, of course, by the profession. For a proper shampooing requires good wetting the hair with warm water. The shampoo is applied to the scalp and gently massage done with the fingertips, not nails, with moves that start from the top and go out. Here is a good rinsing.It is necessary to meet the shampoo to hair type (oily, dry or normal). The shampoo with protein and penetrate the hair, but they overlap, giving it shine. A protein shampoo acts as a shampoo and conditioner together. 

The hair perm, the straightened and dyed hair shampoos require low pH. Intense exfoliation may need shampooing with an Anti-Dandruff shampoo. Hair after shampooing can be rinsed with a cream or a conditioner or shampoo from the outset to use type "2 in 1". These products lubricate your hair and minimize the damage caused by combing or brushing. Products containing protein also strengthen the hair, but temporarily.The hair should be dry after shampooing with a light wiping with the towel, not rubbing, and if possible to afinontai to dry naturally in air. If it is necessary to use hair should be set at low intensity and the hair remains slightly damp. Combing and brushing while the hair is still wet causes more hair loss than simple extrication with the fingers. Combing or brushing should be done after they have dry hair. A styling gel or foam can give volume and thickness of hair. Does not affect default but can be seen drying, especially at their tips.

.Treatment of alopeciaIn androgennitiki alopecia, the trichikoi pockets, the action of androgens, gradually atrophy and disappear.Prevention can only be achieved by early treatment.Topical treatment. It is a therapeutic approach that uses minoxidil. Minoxidil is a medication applied directly to the hair. Reduces hair loss in 50% of men and women. Although the mode of action is unknown, it seems to lengthen the phase of regeneration and can increase blood flow to the hair follicle. The reappearance of hair is more pronounced at the top of the head than in front and not observed until at least 4 months. 

Patients respond better to treatment with minoxidil are those with recent-onset androgenic alopecia and small areas of hair loss.Research has shown that minoxidil is more effective in people who have experienced hair loss for less than 5 years. In general, women respond better to topical treatment with minoxidil compared with men. Stopping use can lead to hair loss that developed during its use. This drug was originally manufactured for the treatment of hypertension and showed a side effect of hair growth, often in undesirable areas. For the treatment of hair loss used in the form of lotions for topical application. Her hair is coming out is messy, treatment costs a lot and so far the results vary.

 In women, if pregnant, treatment should be postponed until after delivery.Antiandrogoniki treatment. It is effective only in men, in the form of finasteride by mouth. In women the results were disappointing, as the topical application. Finasteride is a pill taken once a day and blocks the action of testosterone on hair growth, but is antiandrogenic. Testosterone is a hormone found in higher concentrations in men. Although it is more effective in alopecia of the top of the head, has been shown to increase the regeneration and in the anterior region of the scalp. A small percentage of rough taking finasteride may experience a decrease in sexual desire and difficulty achieving an erection.Minoxidil and finasteride must be taken indefinitely to maintain the regenerated hair. If used, the physician must regularly monitor patients for possible side effects.

Like skin cells, hair hair grow and shed periodically. Usually our heads drop 50 to 100 hairs a day, therefore, to see a small amount of hair in the tub after bathing, it should cause great concern. The average rate of elongation of hair is about 1 cm per month. Each hair grows for 2 to 6 years and then resting. At any given time, approximately 85% of hairs are in growth phase and 15% in resting phase. After the rest period, the hair falls and a new beginning to grow in its place. Disruption of the 
physiology of this cycle leads to alopecia. Normally, the density of hair follicles is 100 / square centimeter. The thinning of the scalp starts to become noticeable at densities of less than 30 follicles / square centimeter.

Types of AlopeciaThe alopecia in terms of causes, not separated into oulotikou and oulotikou type. Most common representatives of the class is androgennitiki alopecia, alopecia areata and diffuse hair loss, due to several causes, including thyroid gland, iron deficiency, poor diet, stop taking oral contraceptives, retinoids (drugs against edge) or lesions in the hair. Hair loss can occur transiently after pregnancy. Sometimes there is a temporary hair loss when a substance or a disturbance causes a temporary problem. The second category, oulotikou alopecia is less common and can result in burns, bursitis and in autoimmune diseases such as discoid lupus erythematosus, the follicular lichen et al.The androgennitiki alopecia caused by the action of androgens, both men and women, which in combination with an inherited predisposition, causing atrophy of the follicles. It happens with different mechanisms between men and women.

On male hair loss, growth of hair and the intervals between stages of development are reduced. The periods of accelerated growth, but more and more roots fail to create new hair at the end of each cycle.The male alopecia is a type that characterizes the regions of the head that are most affected. It usually starts from the boundary of hair, which gradually subsides, forming a line like "M". It may also be the man to see a thinning of the hair dryer and they do not grow at the rate grew older. The hair on top of the head begin to thin, until the two peaks of the "M" to meet this point between them. Over the years it remains only an area around the head with hair that looks like a horseshoe.

The explanation for this form of alopecia is probably hereditary, which is complex and not well understood and seems to be associated with the response of hair follicles in normal secreted androgens, the male hormones, the secretion of which is controlled by the endocrine system. These hormones are essential for reproductive function but also for the distribution of body hair, both man and woman. The alopecia is also associated with increasing age.The prognosis for men is unknown. Some patients evolve to the point of complete loss of hair of the head.Others develop a localized dilution or not, keeping a large number of hairs. In any case, alopecia should be considered from the outset as a "normal" phenomenon, but should motivate the individual to seek dermatological advice, and may conceal more serious causes, or may be prevented if there is adequate timeinterventions.

Hair loss in women is frequent, longer than generally believed. For many years the alopecia was male issue and the discussions about alopecia in the woman was discharged as not socially acceptable topic. Was the exact opposite things increased, unwanted hair growth which was acceptable to men and women dismissed.Today however, the alopecia is recognized as a medical and aesthetic problem and a woman.It is common for women to have thinning hair as they grow up. To have a woman at the age of 80 years, the same hair you had at 18 is extremely unusual. The other end, however, extensive hair loss that leads to "visible" results, characterized as alopecia. The hair loss in women is however much less pronounced, compared with men. 

The complete loss of hair and the formation of 'bald' is relatively uncommon.It also differs significantly the distribution of loss in the early stages. Usually appears diffuse thinning the crown, but by keeping the edge of the hair in front, have normal density. Only at an advanced stage of hair on top may have fallen. So, ultimately only a small percentage of women will develop male pattern baldness.The alopecia in women does not usually abnormally high androgen levels, and here plays an important role heredity, related genes inherited from both our parents. But in all cases of hair loss in women is essential to an examination by a dermatologist, to see that hair loss is not the result of another medical problem.

Alopecia areata causes hair loss and otherThe gradual transient hair loss can come from a variety of causes, including excessive hair, tight hair, compulsive acts, or check (pulling, breaking, twisting the hair with your fingers), skin diseases or infections, systemic diseases (p . eg systemic lupus erythematosus), high fever, poor nutrition (chronic disease, strict dieting or anorexia), use of contraceptive drugs and medical treatments, such as chemotherapy.Sudden temporary hair loss due 
to the more commonly known as alopecia areata, a condition generally occurs in 2% of the population. The alopecia areata begins abruptly with the appearance of one or more circular "patches" in hair, 8 cm in diameter, which may overlap. These bald areas are soft and painless. The cause of alopecia areata is unknown. Possible responsible factors are stress, familial predisposition and autoimmune reactions against the hair follicles.In 90% of cases of alopecia areata hair reappear after a period of 6-24 months. The outcome is worse when the episode alopecia areata occurs early in life or if you lost all the hair on the scalp during an episode.For the diagnosis of alopecia areata, the doctor will take a complete medical history and perform a thorough physical examination. Further tests may be needed, if the incident occurs in the territory of another disorder.The treatment will depend on the treatment or control of an underlying disorder, if one exists. Your doctor may suggest various techniques for the reappearance of hair.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Proteins, everything that you must know

Proteins - the building blocks of muscle

Proteins are the building blocks of our organization. Without them we could not replace or repair the cells of our body. The body of an average 70 kg man contains about 11 kg protein. Almost half of that found in skeletal muscle.

WHY WE NEED PROTEINSProteins have many uses in our bodies. It is the main constituent of many structural tissues such as skin and collagen, which is found in connective tissue and tendons and ligaments. The blood needs protein for erythrocytes, leukocytes, and numerous plasma components. The immunity of your organization depends on protein, which is needed for the creation of antibodies and white blood cells facing the disease.

Enzymes and some hormones (eg insulin) are also proteins.If your diet does not provide adequate amounts of energy, your body will eventually use structural proteins (proteins that are included in the basic structure of the body). Your body can adjust to the lack of protein for a short time. However, situations such as trauma, infection, cancer, diabetes and malnutrition can cause significant loss of protein.In these cases, the body starts losing muscle tissue to produce the necessary amount of energy. If this situation is not checked, can be dangerous to life itself.

WHAT ARE PROTEINSProteins are large compounds consisting of smaller units called amino acids. Amino acids contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sometimes sulfur. All have an amino acid group and an amino group linked by a carbon atom.

"Amino" is the chemical name for the combination of nitrogen and hydrogen in these compounds.The amino group is an amino acid may be linked to the carboxyl group of another amino acid, and to create a depeptidio. This link is called peptide bond. When you combine more than 2 amino acids formed a polypeptide. Mi atypical protein may contain 500 or more amino acids are linked together.The size and shape of each polypeptide determines what protein is and what is its function. Some proteins consist of several polypeptides. Each species in nature has its own characteristic proteins. The muscle proteins of humans, for example, are different from those of a calf muscle.

The amino acids joined by peptide bonds to form polypeptides, which may be complex chains. The size and shape determine the type of protein and function (AA = amino acid)

HOW TO USE THE PROTEINSProteins are broken down into amino acids and small peptides by enzymes (proteases) in your gut. Small peptides and amino acids are transported through the bloodstream to the liver where they are used or transported into the cells of your body. The liver is the main point of metabolism of amino acids and proteins.The amino acid change chemicals can be used for energy production and converted to urea (the form in which they are eliminated) or converted to other amino acids or proteins. Some proteins such as collagen in connective tissue or tendons, are very resistant to digestion and pass along your bowel without altering, for excretion.

All the proteins your body needs can be created by 20 different amino acidsYour body can synthesize some of these amino acids, but there are 8 which can not be synthesized by your body and must be supplied by your diet. These are called essential amino acids. Children need 2 additional amino acids for growth.

FOUND THE PROTEINSThe proteins found in animal products like meat, fish, eggs, milk and its products and herbal products like cereals and pulses. All protein sources contain some of the essential amino acids, but in different quantities.Some foods, like milk and eggs contain almost the ideal ratio of amino acids, but usually do not contain an essential amino acid, or containing, but in insufficient quantities.It is therefore important to hire a variety of protein sources to ensure adequate intake of all essential amino acids.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Improve your eyesight naturally

What Causes Bad Eyesight? An Overview of the Risk Factors of Some Prevalent Vision Problems 

Eyestrain, blurred near or distant vision, peripheral or central vision loss - these are all terrifying symptoms of bad eyesight. Learning what causes bad eyesight can help you prevent or slow down the development of eyesight disorders and diseases leading to visual impairment and even to blindness.

The easiest way to explore what causes bad eyesight is to go through the most common eye problems and look into the specific risk factors and causes of each one.

Nearsightedness. Nearsightedness or myopia is certainly one of the most common vision disorders. Myopia can cause significant vision loss and greatly lower one's quality of life. One of the major causes for poor vision in myopic people is frequent and prolonged close up eye work and subsequent eye strain.

Farsightedness. Farsightedness (hyperopia) is often overshadowed by myopia in the public perception, vision research and the scientific literature*. Although other vision disorders have greater negative effect on visual acuity than farsightedness, the possible complications of uncorrected hyperopia make it a serious eyesight disorder. What causes bad eyesight in hyperopic people? Farsightedness in people is often hereditary; essentially every infant is born with mild farsightedness. Hyperopia in adults often results from chronic health conditions (diabetes), eye diseases (intraocular and orbital tumors, eye inflammations) and contact lens wear.

Presbyopia (Aging vision). Presbyopia is considered to be an age related eye disorder. In other words, declining eyesight is as inevitable as growing older. However, numerous factors may contribute to an early onset of presbyopia. Poor diet and unhealthy eating habits, harmful habits such as smoking and chronic alcohol consumption are among the top causes. What else causes bad eyesight in case of presbyopia? As any other eye and vision disorder, the age-related changes in the eye responsible for presbyopia development may be triggered by general poor health, other systemic diseases, medications, stress.

The good news is that there is an easy way to find out more about the causes bad eyesight as well as how to take better care of your eyes and how to improve vision naturally

Improve your eyesight in 60 days.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Information and advice for patients with food allergiesAdverse reactions caused after eating certain foods can be divided into two main groups: those characterized food intolerance and others who represent the food allergy.Food intolerance reactions may be due either to characteristics of the food (eg, pharmacological actions of substances contained in food, such actions of histamine, tyramine, caffeine, or toxic substances may be present in food), or to particular features of person who consumes the food (eg, presence of metabolic disease, pancreatic and liver failure or insufficiency of the enzyme lactase as a result of intolerance to dairy, etc).In contrast, allergic reactions to foods are hypersensitivity reactions caused by immunological mechanisms.
Although 25% of the population considers that it has an allergy to one or more food, real food allergy has 2.5% of adults and 6-8% of children younger than 6 yearsThe others are food intolerance reaction, which, as mentioned, does not involve immunological mechanisms.Any food can potentially cause sensitization and therefore food allergy, but usually the foods that cause allergic reactions are specific. In fact 90% of allergic reactions caused by the following 8 groups of foods: egg, milk, wheat, soy, nuts, fish, seafood and some fruits. Moreover, depending on the patient's age and vary the type of food that can cause food allergy. Thus, milk and egg are important allergens for children, while only rarely implicated in food allergy in adults.Many foods that are similar chemicals can exhibit cross-sensitivity between them. This means that patients with food allergy to a food should avoid foods and other cross-sensitivity. Examples of cross-sensitivity is between cow's milk and goat's milk, including seafood, etc.It should be stressed here that the person has food allergies may develop allergic reactions taking even traces of responsible food. The symptoms presented differ from person to person and in the same patient from exposure to exposure. Other additional factors other than food, such as exercise, alcohol or aspirin can affect the appearance of allergic reaction in sensitized individuals.Food allergy in infants and children manifesting a variety of symptoms may occur immediately after eating the food (eg, vomiting, urticaria, angioedema, bronchoconstriction and systemic anaphylaxis), or may occur after several hours (such as gastrointestinal disorders, atopic dermatitis, blood in stool infant colic). The adults may have oral allergy (itchy mouth, lips, tongue, and local swelling) immediately after contact with food or events from different systems (acute urticaria and angioedema, bronchospasm, abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea or more serious incidents , systemic allergic reaction and shock). Allergic reactions after eating the suspect food may be hazardous to the patient's life and should be treated in hospital. Moreover, because there is the possibility of recurrence of symptoms several hours after the treatment of allergic reaction (biphasic response), the patient has severe episode of allergic reaction after eating, should be hospitalized and monitored for 24 hours.

The diagnosis of food allergy should be done by specialist allergist, taking a detailed history and subjecting the patient to the appropriate clinical-laboratory testing. Note here that screening with skin tests or blood tests (specific IgE to certain foods, known as RASTs) has no value whatsoever. Most times, especially when the person has experienced systematic anaphylaxis, the diagnosis is easy and no need to test food challenge. In other cases, particularly when the reactions do not occur immediately after eating, to put the diagnosis of food allergy and to pinpoint the culprit food, will be presented by the patient in a challenge test to study food. A similar procedure is followed when we want to reintroduce a food to which the patient had an allergic reaction in the past but there are indications that it may have overcome this sensitivity (eg, children who were allergic to milk, but after a certain age exceeded the ).After the diagnosis of food allergy, the only treatment that currently exists and it must follow the patient, is the strict avoidance of that food. The patient should be very careful when consuming food that does not know the exact contents, or when they know the conditions under which prepared, since even traces of culpable food can cause severe allergic reaction. The allergist should give clear written instructions on how to deal with a possible further reaction after accidental exposure to this food, so patients themselves and their family members, and school and teachers if a child. Patients with a history of systemic anaphylaxis after eating should have with them some medication for immediate treatment of allergic reaction. Moreover, the specialist will need to educate the person to carefully read food labels and recognize the existence of the culpable substance that may not appear clearly, but with another name.The prognosis of food allergy is good when you identify the responsible food and be strict avoidance. Over the years some people lose their sensitivity to certain foods and can still eat it. This usually occurs in children with foods such as egg and milk, while less common when food allergy is fish, seafood and nuts and when it occurs in adults. Under no circumstances should a person with a history of food allergy to experiment alone to determine if it has overcome the problem, but should always follow the instructions of the allergist.Can and should take preventive measures in infants at high risk for onset food allergy. In these cases the mothers are advised not to consume certain foods that are potent allergens during pregnancy and breastfeeding are encouraged to breastfeed and if you can not do this, the child receives special sub-allergenic formulas, while the introduction of various food allergens are highly regarded in the broadest possible age.Food allergy is a major problem as most allergic diseases, has a growing impact, especially in developed countries. Has significant morbidity and impact on quality of life of people having significantly restricted their social life. We should not lightly be called any reaction after eating a lot more allergic and should not avoid foods that may be important for our nutrition. Any patient with food allergy should be directed to the specialist for proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Androgenic alopekia-Factors and cure

WashingtonThe androgenic alopecia due to a failure of stem cells to provide functional follicles and hairs, and this problem is potentially reversible, say researchers authoritative study of baldness-is a group of Greek origin, a dermatologist, who three years ago had managed to create follicles.The hair follicles are known to be formed from precursor cells, which in turn derived from skin stem cells (stem cells are completely undifferentiated, while the precursor cells are the next stage in the process of diversification and specialization).Male hair loss seems due to failure of stem cells to develop into progenitor cells, says team Kotsareli George, professor of dermatology at the University of Pennsylvania.H research is published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation.Complex mechanismThe androgenic alopecia is more common in men but also affects women, or even relatives such as chimpanzees and orangoutang.Due to an unknown sensitivity to androgens, the hormone group that owns and testosterone, the follicles of hair in certain areas of the head shrink, producing hairs feeble and eventually seem to disappear.The team of Dr. Kotsarelis suspected that the inability to form normal hair follicles due to a problem of either stem or precursor cells.To investigate this issue, examined men who undergo hair transplantation and compared the follicles in normal and bare spots of the head.The tests showed that in areas where the hairs have fallen, the number of stem cells remained normal, while the precursor cells were significantly reduced."The fact that there are normal numbers of stem cells in bare skin, gives us hope that we can reactivate stem cells," said Kotsarelis the BBC.Perhaps we have reason to trust the researcher's optimism: in 2007, had reported in the journal Nature that managed to create new hair follicles in mice by activating a group of proteins called Wnt.

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