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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Proteins, everything that you must know

Proteins - the building blocks of muscle

Proteins are the building blocks of our organization. Without them we could not replace or repair the cells of our body. The body of an average 70 kg man contains about 11 kg protein. Almost half of that found in skeletal muscle.

WHY WE NEED PROTEINSProteins have many uses in our bodies. It is the main constituent of many structural tissues such as skin and collagen, which is found in connective tissue and tendons and ligaments. The blood needs protein for erythrocytes, leukocytes, and numerous plasma components. The immunity of your organization depends on protein, which is needed for the creation of antibodies and white blood cells facing the disease.

Enzymes and some hormones (eg insulin) are also proteins.If your diet does not provide adequate amounts of energy, your body will eventually use structural proteins (proteins that are included in the basic structure of the body). Your body can adjust to the lack of protein for a short time. However, situations such as trauma, infection, cancer, diabetes and malnutrition can cause significant loss of protein.In these cases, the body starts losing muscle tissue to produce the necessary amount of energy. If this situation is not checked, can be dangerous to life itself.

WHAT ARE PROTEINSProteins are large compounds consisting of smaller units called amino acids. Amino acids contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sometimes sulfur. All have an amino acid group and an amino group linked by a carbon atom.

"Amino" is the chemical name for the combination of nitrogen and hydrogen in these compounds.The amino group is an amino acid may be linked to the carboxyl group of another amino acid, and to create a depeptidio. This link is called peptide bond. When you combine more than 2 amino acids formed a polypeptide. Mi atypical protein may contain 500 or more amino acids are linked together.The size and shape of each polypeptide determines what protein is and what is its function. Some proteins consist of several polypeptides. Each species in nature has its own characteristic proteins. The muscle proteins of humans, for example, are different from those of a calf muscle.

The amino acids joined by peptide bonds to form polypeptides, which may be complex chains. The size and shape determine the type of protein and function (AA = amino acid)

HOW TO USE THE PROTEINSProteins are broken down into amino acids and small peptides by enzymes (proteases) in your gut. Small peptides and amino acids are transported through the bloodstream to the liver where they are used or transported into the cells of your body. The liver is the main point of metabolism of amino acids and proteins.The amino acid change chemicals can be used for energy production and converted to urea (the form in which they are eliminated) or converted to other amino acids or proteins. Some proteins such as collagen in connective tissue or tendons, are very resistant to digestion and pass along your bowel without altering, for excretion.

All the proteins your body needs can be created by 20 different amino acidsYour body can synthesize some of these amino acids, but there are 8 which can not be synthesized by your body and must be supplied by your diet. These are called essential amino acids. Children need 2 additional amino acids for growth.

FOUND THE PROTEINSThe proteins found in animal products like meat, fish, eggs, milk and its products and herbal products like cereals and pulses. All protein sources contain some of the essential amino acids, but in different quantities.Some foods, like milk and eggs contain almost the ideal ratio of amino acids, but usually do not contain an essential amino acid, or containing, but in insufficient quantities.It is therefore important to hire a variety of protein sources to ensure adequate intake of all essential amino acids.

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